Before you start trading on financial markets, you should be aware that trading in currencies, stocks, and other investment products is market-oriented and always associated with a significant degree of risk. As a result of various financial fluctuations, you can not only significantly increase your capital, but also lose it completely.

Our clients should clearly understand all possible consequences of such risks, know the specifics, rules, and norms governing their use of investment products, including corporate events that lead to significant modifications of underlying assets. Each client must always remember the special risks and factors that affect the dynamics of changes in currency rates and the value of investment products. Such risks include reduced liquidity, sharp price changes (jumps), high volatility, and force majeure circumstances.

Before opening a real account with any broker, carefully study the Client Agreement and the Regulations for Trading Operations, as well as the basic principles and rules of working on financial markets.

We remind you that only you, not brokers, are responsible for the losses that occur due to force majeure circumstances.